Friday, September 8, 2017

Jumping Oceans

Attending the IFLA 2017 conference is one of my most favorite experiences. IFLA is the International Federation Library Association and this years conference took place in Wroclaw, Poland. 

I packed my bags, headed down to JFK and boarded a flight headed to Iceland. Unfortunately, I didnt get to do more then just walking about while there as my layover wasnt that long.

Here are some pictures:

Image may contain: sky, ocean, cloud, outdoor, nature and water 
(The end of the Earth. The start of the Sea)

Image may contain: cloud, ocean, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature
(How can you deny what you see?)

Image may contain: sky and outdoor
(Leftover paint)

Image may contain: food
(Icelandic colors)

Shortly after, I jumped on another plane and found myself dragging luggage out of the airport at 1:00 in the morning. I got an uber, checked into my hotel and found my alarm blaring before I got a decent nights rest. 

There were two main things I was going to the conference for. The first, I was a volunteer for IFLA and my group were the IFLA headquarters assistants. I spent time shadowing the Secretary General, President and President Elect.   

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor
(Centennial Hall)

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, crowd, sky and outdoor
(all of the volunteers)

Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling
(IFLA headquarters crew)

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, closeup
(Me. President-elect now the current President Gloria. 
Paulina and Alina two of my fellow volunteers)

Image may contain: one or more people
(opening session by the Wroclaw acrobats)

The second part of my conference involved a poster session. My poster was on millennial programming and what I am doing at my job. The poster was a hit and I spoke to many librarians from around the world. Even though I was the one presenting the poster I learned so much from the librarians I spoke with. It was very interesting to see how librarians were approaching things in their part of the world as well as what was working for them and what wasnt. 

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing 

I was so nervous about this since I have never presented a poster before. But once I got into the groove, I was on a roll! 

If you want to see my poster up close and personal check out: 

Truly one of my most favorite work experiences!

Now, my actual travel touristy experiences with TONS of pictures. Will be posting that soon!