Thursday, September 14, 2017

Dwarfs of WrocLove

So I posted about my work experience, now on to my adventure experience. 

One of my all time favorite things about Wroclaw were the dwarfs. There are over 300 little guys located around the city. And the only way to see them is by looking down and around (although sometimes also at eye level). Nothing brought a squeal from my lips and a pounding in my chest quite like these little guys did. Most of them stand about a foot high.

Now for a little history from the Telegraph

"The first dwarf to call Wroclaw home was "Papa Dwarf", placed on Swidnicka street in 2001. This father of the dwarves is slightly larger than the others, with a different style of construction, precedes his brethren by a few years, and carries a graver history and meaning. 

Papa was placed on this main street into the city as it was here that the Orange Alternative, an anti-communist underground movement that claimed the dwarf as its symbol, used to meet in the Eighties to protest against the authoritarianism of Poland's Soviet masters. 

By adopting the imagery of the dwarf, often in graffiti over government slogans, while maintaining a non-violent stance, the group brought a lightness and hope to the struggle against communism.

And so, in 2001, a decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, of which Poland was a puppet state, Papa Dwarf took his place at the crossroads with Kazimierza Wielkiego."

The city claims over 300 of these marvelous little guys!

Without further ado, I introduce the dwarfs I had the pleasure of losing my ish over!

(water fountain dwarf)

(Rolling in Gold Coins)

(Construction time)


(Drukarz Kacper - OMG ITS A PRINTING PRESS) 

(Afternoon tea and people watching)

(Japanese Tea! Found this guy outside a very small door that led to a Japanese Tea house, upon further exploring found an ENTIRE MARKET inside the building on the other side!)

(Bankomatki - Lets rob an ATM)

(Mirror, mirror, in my palm. Whose the cutest dwarf of all)

(Come a little closer honey)

(I don't know)

(Trash dwarf!)

(Florianek - I have no idea what he's doing but what still excited to see him)

(The amazing mail-dwarf!)

(who made sure all my postcards arrived to their destinations!)

(Paper dwarf)

(Saturday Night)

(Tourist - AKA ME)

(Gluchak, Slepak and W-Skers - Bringing awareness to the city's handicapped citizens)

(Syzyfki - Lets do this)

(Capgeminiusz Programista - Lazy Sunday afternoons)

(Picture time!)

(SO full!)

(Paintings on the wall)

(Life. Liberty. And the pursuit of books!)


(First responders)

(Spioch - Guardian of the Armory)


(WrocLovek - That's my heart in his hand)




I truly mean it when I say they were one of my favorite parts of Wroclaw! If WrocLove, Poland isnt on your list, I highly recommend it gets there asap!


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