Thursday, January 12, 2017

Book Group with a Twist

Here is the thing. Millennials have so much going on. And I feel like it's getting harder and harder getting them in the library. Forget offering multiple programs a month. My stats end up going down the more programs I offer. Almost like the more I offer, the more options they have, the more they can't make up their mind which program to come to, so they don't come at all.

It has been such a struggle!

So for 2017 I thought I would try something new. My highest attended program (with its ups and downs) is my Better Than Therapy Book Group. We meet the first Thursday of every month. And more often than not, we end up getting side tracked and talking about stuff other than the book.

For January, we pick a cookie cookbook and people could choose a recipe they wanted to make.

Here is my cookie that I made. Not really a cookie. But still. I made Rocky Road Brownie Bites.

Other members brought cookies as well and someone brought milk. All in all, I say it was a hit.

For February, we are going to be reading 'I Wrote This For You' by Ian Thomas (PleaseFindThis). A rather well known online writer. I also encouraged members to bring poetry they have enjoyed over the years to share with the group. I am very excited about this. Especially since I have been working on building our Modern Verse book section at my library. 

(one of my favorite pieces)

And for March, I figured we could read 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up' by Marie Kondo. Seeing how March is our entry into Spring and that is usually the time people get started on their spring cleaning. 

(couldn't agree more!)

I am excited to see how these few changes will affect people coming to book group. Whether the number will go up or down, and whether people will prefer it over continuous reading of fiction books!

Are you offering any programs you are excited about? Care to share?


  1. Very cool! Wish we were able to do things like cookie exchanges or cooking groups at my library but we can't do anything with food that is prepared under "restaurant conditions."
    So far my best program of 2017 is my hand-held gadget instruction for seniors. We're doing about 20 one-on-one sessions per week! Also excited about a new writing group for 18+ that we are launching. Lots of interest so I'm hoping those who express interest actually show up!

    1. Thats amazing! Very nice turnout. I wish I had that kind of turn out for any of my programs. Do let me know how the writing group goes. I'm very interested in hearing about that :)
