Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hijab: Scarf or Dress

Although the word Hijab is more commonly (about 95% of the time) referred to the wearers head-wear, it can also mean the persons outfit. This would depend on what context the word was used in.

The covering of a female is stated in the Qu'ran, however, each female interprets it differently depending on how she was raised/her culture.

There are females who choose not to wear a hijab at all.

There are females who wear loose long clothing, but do not wear the hijab.

There are females who wear tight clothing, and wear the hijab.

There are females who wear loose long clothing and the hijab.

There are females who wear solid black and cover their hands and faces.

It all comes down to the female, her culture, her family upbringing and her personal preference.

Are there countries where women have to wear full covering as is chosen by their country? Absolutely.

Are there countries where women are forced to remove their hijab and become secular in their dress as is chosen by their country? Absolutely.

Are there countries where women are allowed to wear their hijab as they please but have to deal with other peoples distaste towards their dress? Absolutely.

Do people have a right to tell other people what they should wear? Absolutely not.

I have had many patrons ask me about the way I dress. Commenting on certain patterns or styles they see me in, and patterns and styles they see others in. Usually asking what the difference is between my type of dress and anothers. Preference. Sense of taste and style. Upbringing. That is the difference.

I love when they compliment my hijab, or my skirt, or another item that I am wearing. Because it lets me know that the person in front of me is accepting me for who I am. No matter what the media is throwing at them.

Compliments make us feel like we belong. And they make two people feel good. The person giving the compliment and the person receiving it. Is that not what we all want at the end of the day? To feel like we belong? To be happy? To make it through the day?

SO what if we are a little bit different than the next person. It adds more spice to the world!

Have you worn something, or changed your appearance in anyway and received compliments?
How did those compliments make you feel?

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